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Understanding the characteristics of pig casings

Understanding the characteristics of pig casings

Casings are very common in our daily lives. Usually when we eat ham sausage, we see a bright skin on the outside, which is actually a pig casing. It is the kind of stuff that is packaged when making sausages and other meat products. There are two kinds of inner packaging and outer packaging. The purpose of outer packaging is to maintain hygiene. However, under normal circumstances, the material used for inner packaging is called casing .

When we buy casings, we should look at the price of the casings and also its characteristics. First, the casing has a certain degree of transparency. There is also its toughness. You can see the net-like fibers on the casings. The other is heat resistance: pig casings, cattle casings, etc. are placed in high temperatures and will not melt, and the sausages will not break if they are cooked.

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