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How to make casings

How to make casings

The first is to soak and bleach the original intestine (fresh intestine after defecation) in water, pour the intestine with clear water, and soak in cold water in summer, and add ice when the weather is hottest.

The second is to scrape the intestines. Take out the soaked intestines and place them on a wooden board. Manual scraping can use a bamboo board or a bladeless scraper to scrape the unused parts of the intestines and outside. Generally, only the intestinal wall (mucosal surface) is scraped to obtain a transparent film. Use even force when scraping to avoid scratching.

The third is irrigation. Fill both areas with water.

The fourth is to marinate the sausages. Spread the bundled sausage casings and evenly pickle them with refined salt.

The fifth is to entangle the semi-dry and wet casings together. Then dry it slowly. These are the basic methods on how to make casings.

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