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Understanding the concept of casing

Understanding the concept of casing

We have eaten meat products such as ham and sausages in our lives, and have seen the packaging of these things. Packaging is divided into outsourcing and inner packaging. The outer packaging is mainly to isolate the product from the outside world. The inner packaging is mainly to maintain product standardization. The general material of the inner packaging is the casing.

Casings are mainly divided into several categories: artificial casings and natural casings.

The natural casing is the small intestine taken from the animal body. This is natural and not processed. There are mainly two types of natural casings, pig casings and sheep casings.

Artificial casings have a more complicated manufacturing process, which is divided into breathable casings and non-breathable casings. Breathable casings can be divided into edible casings and non-edible casings. Edible casings are made of animal skins as raw materials. Their properties are similar to natural casings. We call them collagen casings. They are characterized by Breathable and edible.

Both types of casings have their own advantages. Consumers choose natural casings and artificial casings according to their specific conditions.

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